

At Equine Blades Direct Ltd the safety of personal information and data is taken seriously. This document sets out how we look after your data.

What data we hold about you?

To provide you with a high standard of customer care and service we need to hold the following information about you.

-Telephone number

-Email address


-Previous purchase history (To ensure replacement parts etc are compatible)

-Method of payment only

-We DO NOT keep any card information

Why do we hold this information?

We need to hold this information so we can email/telephone reminders for servicing when due, and to ensure your equipment is operating safely. 

Security of information

Information will be retained for 10 years and is held on the practice Sage computer system. Only authorized members of staff have access to this and all are password protected.

If you do not agree

If you do not wish this data to be stored or used in the ways described above,  please call us on  +44(0)1934 710 780 or email

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